Pile RepairA
transportation department had found some timber piles under a bridge
that had suffered compression damage. In some cases, the piles were
completely holed through and the pile provided no support at all.
Reinforcement was required to keep the pile from completely breaking in
two pieces.
special application of Aquawrap® was chosen to strengthen and
reinforce the pile. First, our BP-4 Primer/Coating was applied to fill in
small cracks and voids. BP-4 can be applied in dry and wet conditions and
cures in about 2 hours. Large voids were left open in preparation for
grout injection. Next, Aquawrap® was installed around the
pile, covering all damaged areas, above and below the water line. The
composite was allowed to set up, about 2 hours, and then the injection
process began.
at the bottom, small holes were drilled into the composite every 12".
A high compressive strength epoxy grout was then injected into the column
to provide a solid structure. Air and water were pushed out of the voids
as the epoxy was injected from the bottom up. This continued until the
column was full. The injection process was closely monitored for heat
buildup from the epoxy reaction. If too much epoxy was injected at once,
the exotherm could cause shrinkage and damage to the repair.
entire project took less than one day. This type of repair allowed the
agency to keep the road open and traffic flowing. Replacing the pile would
have required road closures and very long detours.
Aquawrap® is the simplest, most cost-effective repair
you can find.